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aabb() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
AbstractGameEventListener - Interface in baritone.api.event.listener
An implementation of IGameEventListener that has all methods overridden with empty bodies, allowing inheritors of this class to choose which events they would like to listen in on.
AbstractSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
AbstractSchematic() - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
AbstractSchematic(int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
acceptableThrowawayItems - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Blocks that Baritone is allowed to place (as throwaway, for sneak bridging, pillaring, etc.)
ActionCosts - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.movement
add(Rotation) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
Adds the yaw/pitch of the specified rotations to this rotation's yaw/pitch, and returns the result.
addCommands(ICommandManager) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends every command in the specified ICommandManager to this TabCompleteHelper
addModifiedSettings() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends every modified setting in the Settings to this TabCompleteHelper
addOrUpdate(GuiToast, ITextComponent, ITextComponent, long) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.gui.BaritoneToast
addOrUpdate(ITextComponent, ITextComponent) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.gui.BaritoneToast
addSelection(ISelection) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Adds a new selection.
addSelection(BetterBlockPos, BetterBlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Adds a new ISelection constructed from the given block positions.
addSettings() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends every setting in the Settings to this TabCompleteHelper
addToggleableSettings() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends every Boolean setting in the Settings to this TabCompleteHelper
addWaypoint(IWaypoint) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypointCollection
Adds a waypoint to this collection
allowBreak - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to break blocks
allowBreakAnyway - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Blocks that baritone will be allowed to break even with allowBreak set to false
allowDiagonalAscend - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow diagonal ascending
allowDiagonalDescend - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow descending diagonally
allowDownward - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow mining the block directly beneath its feet
allowInventory - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to move items in your inventory to your hotbar
allowJumpAt256 - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If true, parkour is allowed to make jumps when standing on blocks at the maximum height, so player feet is y=256
allowOnlyExposedOres - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
This will only allow baritone to mine exposed ores, can be used to stop ore obfuscators on servers that use them.
allowOnlyExposedOresDistance - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When allowOnlyExposedOres is enabled this is the distance around to search.
allowOvershootDiagonalDescend - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Is it okay to sprint through a descend followed by a diagonal? The player overshoots the landing, but not enough to fall off.
allowParkour - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
You know what it is
allowParkourAscend - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
This should be monetized it's so good
allowParkourPlace - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Actually pretty reliable.
allowPlace - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to place blocks
allowSprint - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to sprint
allowVines - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Enables some more advanced vine features.
allowWalkOnBottomSlab - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Slab behavior is complicated, disable this for higher path reliability.
allowWaterBucketFall - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to fall arbitrary distances and place a water bucket beneath it.
allSettings - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A list of all settings
antiCheatCompatibility - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Will cause some minor behavioral differences to ensure that Baritone works on anticheats.
append(Stream<String>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends the specified stream to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
append(String...) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends the specified strings to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
append(Class<? extends Enum<?>>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Appends all values of the specified enum to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
apply(IDatatypeContext, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatypePost
Takes the expected input and transforms it based on the value held by original.
apply(O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatypePostFunction
apply(IDatatypeContext, BetterBlockPos) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos
apply(IDatatypeContext, Double) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeCoordinate
apply(IDatatypeContext, File) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
apply(IDatatypeContext, BetterBlockPos) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoal
apply(IDatatypeContext, BetterBlockPos) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalBlock
apply(IDatatypeContext, BetterBlockPos) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalXZ
apply(IDatatypeContext, BetterBlockPos) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalYLevel
applyJsonFilter(Path, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IExploreProcess
arg - Variable in exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidArgumentException
assumeExternalAutoTool - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Disable baritone's auto-tool at runtime, but still assume that another mod will provide auto tool functionality
assumeSafeWalk - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Assume safe walk functionality; don't sneak on a backplace traverse.
assumeStep - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Assume step functionality; don't jump on an Ascend.
assumeWalkOnLava - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If you have Fire Resistance and Jesus then I guess you could turn this on lol
assumeWalkOnWater - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow Baritone to assume it can walk on still water just like any other block.
autoTool - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Automatically select the best available tool
avoidance - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Toggle the following 4 settings
avoidBreakingMultiplier - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
this multiplies the break speed, if set above 1 it's "encourage breaking" instead
avoidUpdatingFallingBlocks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If this setting is true, Baritone will never break a block that is adjacent to an unsupported falling block.
axisHeight - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The "axis" command (aka GoalAxis) will go to a axis, or diagonal axis, at this Y level.


backfill - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Fill in blocks behind you
backtrackCostFavoringCoefficient - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Set to 1.0 to effectively disable this feature
baritone - Variable in class baritone.api.command.Command
baritone.api - package baritone.api
baritone.api.behavior - package baritone.api.behavior
baritone.api.cache - package baritone.api.cache
baritone.api.command - package baritone.api.command
baritone.api.command.argparser - package baritone.api.command.argparser
baritone.api.command.argument - package baritone.api.command.argument
baritone.api.command.datatypes - package baritone.api.command.datatypes
baritone.api.command.exception - package baritone.api.command.exception
baritone.api.command.helpers - package baritone.api.command.helpers
baritone.api.command.manager - package baritone.api.command.manager
baritone.api.command.registry - package baritone.api.command.registry - package - package
baritone.api.event.listener - package baritone.api.event.listener
baritone.api.pathing.calc - package baritone.api.pathing.calc
baritone.api.pathing.goals - package baritone.api.pathing.goals
baritone.api.pathing.movement - package baritone.api.pathing.movement
baritone.api.pathing.path - package baritone.api.pathing.path
baritone.api.process - package baritone.api.process
baritone.api.schematic - package baritone.api.schematic
baritone.api.schematic.format - package baritone.api.schematic.format
baritone.api.selection - package baritone.api.selection
baritone.api.utils - package baritone.api.utils
baritone.api.utils.accessor - package baritone.api.utils.accessor
baritone.api.utils.gui - package baritone.api.utils.gui
baritone.api.utils.input - package baritone.api.utils.input
baritone.api.utils.interfaces - package baritone.api.utils.interfaces
BaritoneAPI - Class in baritone.api
Exposes the IBaritoneProvider instance and the Settings instance for API usage.
BaritoneAPI() - Constructor for class baritone.api.BaritoneAPI
BaritoneToast - Class in baritone.api.utils.gui
BaritoneToast(ITextComponent, ITextComponent, long) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.gui.BaritoneToast
bestPathSoFar() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathFinder
The best path so far, according to the most forgiving coefficient heuristic (the reason being that that path is most likely to represent the true shape of the path to the goal, assuming it's within a possible cost heuristic.
BetterBlockPos - Class in baritone.api.utils
A better BlockPos that has fewer hash collisions (and slightly more performant offsets)
BetterBlockPos(int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
BetterBlockPos(double, double, double) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
BetterBlockPos(BlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
blacklistClosest() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IGetToBlockProcess
blacklistClosestOnFailure - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When GetToBlockProcess or MineProcess fails to calculate a path, instead of just giving up, mark the closest instance of that block as "unreachable" and go towards the next closest.
blockBreakAdditionalPenalty - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
This is just a tiebreaker to make it less likely to break blocks if it can avoid it.
BlockById - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
BlockInteractEvent - Class in
Called when the local player interacts with a block, can be either BlockInteractEvent.Type.START_BREAK or BlockInteractEvent.Type.USE.
BlockInteractEvent(BlockPos, BlockInteractEvent.Type) - Constructor for class
BlockInteractEvent.Type - Enum in
BlockOptionalMeta - Class in baritone.api.utils
BlockOptionalMeta(Block, Integer) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
BlockOptionalMeta(Block) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
BlockOptionalMeta(String) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
BlockOptionalMetaLookup - Class in baritone.api.utils
BlockOptionalMetaLookup(BlockOptionalMeta...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
BlockOptionalMetaLookup(Block...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
BlockOptionalMetaLookup(List<Block>) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
BlockOptionalMetaLookup(String...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
blockPlacementPenalty - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
It doesn't actually take twenty ticks to place a block, this cost is so high because we want to generally conserve blocks which might be limited.
blockReachDistance - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Block reach distance
blocks() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
blockStateFromStack(ItemStack) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
blocksToAvoid - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Blocks that Baritone will attempt to avoid (Used in avoidance)
blocksToAvoidBreaking - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
blocks that baritone shouldn't break, but can if it needs to.
blocksToDisallowBreaking - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Blocks that Baritone is not allowed to break
blockToString(Block) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockUtils
BlockUtils - Class in baritone.api.utils
breakCorrectBlockPenaltyMultiplier - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Multiply the cost of breaking a block that's correct in the builder's schematic by this coefficient
breakFromAbove - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow standing above a block while mining it, in BuilderProcess
build() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
build(String, ISchematic, Vec3i) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
Requests a build for the specified schematic, labeled as specified, with the specified origin.
build(String, File, Vec3i) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
Requests a build for the specified schematic, labeled as specified, with the specified origin.
build(String, BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
builderTickScanRadius - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Distance to scan every tick for updates.
buildIgnoreBlocks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A list of blocks to be treated as if they're air.
buildIgnoreDirection - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If this is true, the builder will ignore directionality of certain blocks like glazed terracotta.
buildIgnoreExisting - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If this is true, the builder will treat all non-air blocks as correct.
buildIgnoreProperties - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A list of names of block properties the builder will ignore.
buildInLayers - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Don't consider the next layer in builder until the current one is done
buildOnlySelection - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Only build the selected part of schematics
buildOpenLitematic(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
buildOpenSchematic() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
buildRepeat - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How far to move before repeating the build.
buildRepeatCount - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How many times to buildrepeat.
buildRepeatSneaky - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Don't notify schematics that they are moved.
buildSkipBlocks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A list of blocks to be treated as correct.
buildSubstitutes - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A mapping of blocks to blocks to be built instead
buildValidSubstitutes - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A mapping of blocks to blocks treated as correct in their position
byLowerName - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A map of lowercase setting field names to their respective setting


cachedChunksExpirySeconds - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Cached chunks (regardless of if they're in RAM or saved to disk) expire and are deleted after this number of seconds -1 to disable
cachedChunksOpacity - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
0.0f = not visible, fully transparent (instead of setting this to 0, turn off renderCachedChunks) 1.0f = fully opaque
calcRotationFromCoords(BlockPos, BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Calculates the rotation from BlockPosdest to BlockPosorig
calcRotationFromVec3d(Vec3d, Vec3d, Rotation) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Calculates the rotation from Vecdest to Vecorig and makes the return value relative to the specified current rotations.
calculate(long, long) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathFinder
Calculate the path in full.
calculate(double, int, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
calculate(double, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
calculate(int, int) - Static method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel
calculateBlockCenter(World, BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.VecUtils
Calculates the center of the block at the specified position's bounding box
calculatedWhileLoaded() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
calcVec3dFromRotation(Rotation) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Calculates the look vector for the specified yaw/pitch rotations.
cancel() - Method in class
cancel() - Method in interface
Cancels this event
cancel() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFollowProcess
Cancels the follow behavior, this will clear the current follow target.
cancel() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Cancels the current mining task
cancelEverything() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Cancels the pathing behavior or the current path calculation, and all processes that could be controlling path.
Cancellable - Class in
Cancellable() - Constructor for class
cancelOnGoalInvalidation - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Cancel the current path if the goal has changed, and the path originally ended in the goal but doesn't anymore.
cast() - Method in class
castToIProperty(Object) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
castToIPropertyValue(P, Object) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
censorCoordinates - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Censor coordinates in goals and block positions
censorRanCommands - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Censor arguments to ran commands, to hide, for example, coordinates to #goal
CENTER_AFTER_FALL_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
To walk the rest of the way to be centered on the new block
chatControl - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Allow chat based control of Baritone.
chatControlAnyway - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Some clients like Impact try to force chatControl to off, so here's a second setting to do it anyway
chatDebug - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Print all the debug messages to chat
ChatEvent - Class in
ChatEvent(String) - Constructor for class
chunkCaching - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The big one.
ChunkEvent - Class in
ChunkEvent(EventState, ChunkEvent.Type, int, int) - Constructor for class
ChunkEvent.Type - Enum in
clamp() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
clampPitch(float) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
Clamps the specified pitch value between -90 and 90.
clearAllKeys() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IInputOverrideHandler
clearArea(BlockPos, BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
clickBlock(BlockPos, EnumFacing) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
colorBestPathSoFar - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the best path so far
colorBlocksToBreak - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the blocks to break
colorBlocksToPlace - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the blocks to place
colorBlocksToWalkInto - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the blocks to walk into
colorCurrentPath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the current path
colorGoalBox - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the goal box
colorInvertedGoalBox - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the goal box when it's inverted
colorMostRecentConsidered - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the path to the most recent considered node
colorNextPath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the next path
colorSelection - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of all selections
colorSelectionPos1 - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the selection pos 1
colorSelectionPos2 - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The color of the selection pos 2
Command - Class in baritone.api.command
A default implementation of ICommand which provides easy access to the command's bound IBaritone instance, IPlayerContext and an easy way to provide multiple valid command execution names through the default constructor.
Command(IBaritone, String...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.Command
Creates a new Baritone control command.
command - Variable in exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandNotFoundException
CommandErrorMessageException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandErrorMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandErrorMessageException
CommandErrorMessageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandErrorMessageException
CommandException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandException(String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandException
CommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandException
CommandInvalidArgumentException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandInvalidArgumentException(ICommandArgument, String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidArgumentException
CommandInvalidArgumentException(ICommandArgument, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidArgumentException
CommandInvalidStateException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandInvalidStateException(String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidStateException
CommandInvalidTypeException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandInvalidTypeException(ICommandArgument, String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException
CommandInvalidTypeException(ICommandArgument, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException
CommandInvalidTypeException(ICommandArgument, String, String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException
CommandInvalidTypeException(ICommandArgument, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException
CommandNoParserForTypeException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandNoParserForTypeException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandNoParserForTypeException
CommandNotEnoughArgumentsException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandNotEnoughArgumentsException(int) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandNotEnoughArgumentsException
CommandNotFoundException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandNotFoundException
CommandTooManyArgumentsException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandTooManyArgumentsException(int) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandTooManyArgumentsException
commandType - Variable in class baritone.api.process.PathingCommand
The command type.
CommandUnhandledException - Exception in baritone.api.command.exception
CommandUnhandledException(String) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandUnhandledException
CommandUnhandledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandUnhandledException
completions - Variable in class
CompositeSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
CompositeSchematic(int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematic
CompositeSchematicEntry - Class in baritone.api.schematic
CompositeSchematicEntry(ISchematic, int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematicEntry
considerPotionEffects - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
For example, if you have Mining Fatigue or Haste, adjust the costs of breaking blocks accordingly.
consumed() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
consumedString() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
contract(EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
Returns a new ISelection contracted in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
contract(ISelection, EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Replaces the specified ISelection with one contracted in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
copy() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
COST_INF - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
don't make this Double.MAX_VALUE because it's added to other things, maybe other COST_INFs, and that would make it overflow to negative
costHeuristic - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
This is the big A* setting.
costVerificationLookahead - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Stop 5 movements before anything that made the path COST_INF.
createNextProvider() - Static method in class
ctx - Variable in class baritone.api.command.Command
currentFilter() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFollowProcess
cutoffAtLoadBoundary - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
After calculating a path (potentially through cached chunks), artificially cut it off to just the part that is entirely within currently loaded chunks.
cutoffAtLoadedChunks(Object) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Cuts off this path at the loaded chunk border, and returns the resulting path.


DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Default priority.
defaultValue - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
DEG_TO_RAD - Static variable in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Constant that a degree value is multiplied by to get the equivalent radian value
descendingIterator() - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Returns an iterator that iterates over each entry in this registry, in the order they were added.
descendingStream() - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Returns a stream that returns each entry in this registry, in the order they were added.
desiredState(int, int, int, IBlockState, List<IBlockState>) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematic
desiredState(int, int, int, IBlockState, List<IBlockState>) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.FillSchematic
desiredState(int, int, int, IBlockState, List<IBlockState>) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
Returns the desired block state at a given (X, Y, Z) position relative to the origin (0, 0, 0).
desiredState(int, int, int, IBlockState, List<IBlockState>) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.MaskSchematic
desiredState(int, int, int, IBlockState, List<IBlockState>) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.SubstituteSchematic
desktopNotifications - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notifications
disableCompletionCheck - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Turn this on if your exploration filter is enormous, you don't want it to check if it's done, and you are just fine with it just hanging on completion
disconnectOnArrival - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Disconnect from the server upon arriving at your goal
display(Function<E, ITextComponent>, String) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
display(Function<E, ITextComponent>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
displayName() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Returns a user-friendly name for this process.
displayName0() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
distanceToCenter(BlockPos, double, double, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.VecUtils
Gets the distance from the specified position to the assumed center of the specified block position.
distanceToTicks(double) - Static method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
distanceTrim - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Trim incorrect positions too far away, helps performance but hurts reliability in very large schematics
doBedWaypoints - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
allows baritone to save bed waypoints when interacting with beds
doDeathWaypoints - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
allows baritone to save death waypoints
down() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
down(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
draw(GuiToast, long) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.gui.BaritoneToast
dx - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
dz - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection


east() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
east(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
echoCommands - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Echo commands to chat when they are run
enterPortal - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When running a goto towards a nether portal block, walk all the way into the portal instead of stopping one block before.
EntityClassById - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
entityDistanceToCenter(Entity, BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.VecUtils
Gets the distance from the specified entity's position to the assumed center of the specified block position.
entityFlatDistanceToCenter(Entity, BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.VecUtils
Gets the distance from the specified entity's position to the assumed center of the specified block position, ignoring the Y axis.
entries - Variable in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
entries - Variable in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
The collection of entries that are currently in this registry.
equals(Object) - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
equals(Object) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
estimatedTicksToGoal() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Returns the estimated remaining ticks to the current goal.
EventState - Enum in
execute(String, IArgConsumer) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand
Called when this command is executed.
execute(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
execute(Tuple<String, List<ICommandArgument>>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
expand(EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
Returns a new ISelection expanded in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
expand(ISelection, EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Replaces the specified ISelection with one expanded in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
explore(int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IExploreProcess
exploreChunkSetMinimumSize - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Take the 10 closest chunks, even if they aren't strictly tied for distance metric from origin.
exploreForBlocks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When GetToBlock or non-legit Mine doesn't know any locations for the desired block, explore randomly instead of giving up.
exploreMaintainY - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Attempt to maintain Y coordinate while exploring
extendCacheOnThreshold - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When the cache scan gives less blocks than the maximum threshold (but still above zero), scan the main world too.
eyeHeight(boolean) - Static method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext


fadePath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Start fading out the path at 20 movements ahead, and stop rendering it entirely 30 movements ahead.
failureTimeoutMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Pathing can never take longer than this, even if that means failing to find any path at all
FALL_0_25_BLOCKS_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
FALL_1_25_BLOCKS_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
FALL_N_BLOCKS_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
farm(int, BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFarmProcess
Begin to search for crops to farm with in specified aria from specified location.
farm() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFarmProcess
Begin to search for nearby crops to farm.
farm(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFarmProcess
Begin to search for crops to farm with in specified aria from the position the command was executed.
FillSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
FillSchematic(int, int, int, BlockOptionalMeta) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.FillSchematic
FillSchematic(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.FillSchematic
filter(Predicate<String>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Apply the specified filter to every element currently in this TabCompleteHelper and return this object for chaining
filterPrefix(String) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Filter out any element that doesn't start with prefix and return this object for chaining
filterPrefixNamespaced(String) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Filter out any element that doesn't start with prefix and return this object for chaining
follow(Predicate<Entity>) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFollowProcess
Set the follow target to any entities matching this predicate
following() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IFollowProcess
followOffsetDirection - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The actual GoalNear is set in this direction from the entity you're following.
followOffsetDistance - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The actual GoalNear is set this distance away from the entity you're following
followRadius - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The radius (for the GoalNear) of how close to your target position you actually have to be
ForBlockOptionalMeta - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
FORCE_COMMAND_PREFIX - Static variable in interface baritone.api.command.IBaritoneChatControl
In certain cases chat components need to execute commands for you.
forceCancel() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
PLEASE never call this
forceInternalMining - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When mining block of a certain type, try to mine two at once instead of one.
ForEnumFacing - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
ForWaypoints - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
freeLook - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Move without having to force the client-sided rotations
from(BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
Like constructor but returns null if pos is null, good if you just need to possibly censor coordinates
fromDirection(Vec3d, float, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ


gameDir() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
generateFallNBlocksCost() - Static method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
get() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Gets the next argument and returns it.
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.BlockById
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.EntityClassById
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatypeFor
Consumes the desired amount of arguments from the specified IDatatypeContext, and then returns the parsed value.
get(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.NearbyPlayer
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
getAllBaritones() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
Returns all of the active IBaritone instances.
getAllNames() - Static method in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
getAllValuesByType(Class<T>) - Method in class baritone.api.Settings
getAllWaypoints() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypointCollection
Gets all of the waypoints in this collection, regardless of the tag.
getAnyBlockState() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
getApproxPlaceable() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
getArgs() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
getAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse this argument into the specified class
getAs(Class<T>, Class<S>, S) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
Tries to use a stated IArgParser to parse this argument into the specified class
getAsOrDefault(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
getAsOrNull(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
getBaritone() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatypeContext
Provides the IBaritone instance that is associated with the action relating to datatype handling.
getBaritone() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
getBaritoneForPlayer(EntityPlayerSP) - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
Provides the IBaritone instance for a given EntityPlayerSP.
getBaritoneHash() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.accessor.IItemStack
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IBlockTypeAccess
getBlock(BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IBlockTypeAccess
getBlock() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
getBlockPosCenter(BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.VecUtils
Gets the assumed center position of the given block position.
getBlockReachDistance() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
getBom() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.FillSchematic
getBuilderProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getByFile(File) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematicSystem
Attempts to find an ISchematicFormat that supports the specified schematic file.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
Gets a tag by one of its names.
getByTag(IWaypoint.Tag) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypointCollection
Gets all of the waypoints that have the specified tag
getCachedWorld() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldData
Returns the cached world for this world.
getColumn(int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.IStaticSchematic
Returns an IBlockState array of size ISchematic.heightY() which contains all desired block states in the specified vertical column.
getCommand(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
getCommandManager() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getCommandSystem() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
Returns the ICommandSystem instance.
getConsumed() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getConsumer() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatypeContext
Provides the IArgConsumer} to fetch input information from.
getCost() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
getCount() - Method in class
getCreationTimestamp() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint
Returns the unix epoch time in milliseconds that this waypoint was created.
getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
getCurrent() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
getCurrentWorld() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldProvider
Returns the data of the currently loaded world
getCustomGoalProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getDatatypeFor(D) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDatatypeForOrDefault(D, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDatatypeForOrNull(D) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDatatypePost(D, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDatatypePostOrDefault(D, O, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDatatypePostOrNull(D, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
getDest() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Returns the end position of this path.
getDest() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
getDirect(int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.IStaticSchematic
Gets the IBlockState for a given position in this schematic.
getDirection() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
getEnum(Class<E>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Gets an enum value from the enum class with the same name as the next argument's value
getEnum(Class<E>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
Gets an enum value from the enum class with the same name as this argument's value
getEnumOrDefault(Class<E>, E) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Gets an enum value from the enum class with the same name as the next argument's value
getEnumOrNull(Class<E>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Gets an enum value from the enum class with the same name as the next argument's value
getExploreProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getFarmProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getFollowProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getGameEventHandler() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getGameType() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
getGetToBlockProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getGoal() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
getGoal() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
getGoal() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathFinder
getGoal() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.ICustomGoalProcess
getGoalPos() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
getGoalPos() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
getGoalPos() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
getGoalPos() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
getGoalPos() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.interfaces.IGoalRenderPos
getIndex() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
getInProgress() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
getInputOverrideHandler() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getLastSelection() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
This method will always return the last selection.
getLocation() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint
Returns the actual block position of this waypoint.
getLocation() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
getLocationsOf(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Scans the cached chunks for location of the specified special block.
getLongDesc() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand
getLookBehavior() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getMaxPage() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
getMessage() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.exception.ICommandException
getMessage() - Method in class
getMeta() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
getMineProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getMostRecentByTag(IWaypoint.Tag) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypointCollection
Gets the most recently created waypoint by the specified IWaypoint.Tag
getName() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint
getName() - Method in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
getName() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
getName() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
getNames() - Method in class baritone.api.command.Command
getNames() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand
getNetworkManager() - Method in class
getNext() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Returns the next path executor, created when planning ahead.
getNumNodesConsidered() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Returns the number of nodes that were considered during calculation before this path was found.
getOnlySelection() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
For anything expecting only one selection, this method is provided.
getPacket() - Method in class
getParserManager() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommandSystem
getParserStated(Class<T>, Class<S>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParserManager
getParserStateless(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParserManager
getPartialTicks() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Returns the current path, from the current path executor, if there is one.
getPath() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.path.IPathExecutor
getPath() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult
getPathingBehavior() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getPathingControlManager() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
Returns the IPathingControlManager for this IBaritone instance, which is responsible for managing the IBaritoneProcesses which control the IPathingBehavior state.
getPitch() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
getPlayerContext() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getPos() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.path.IPathExecutor
getPrefix() - Static method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
getPrimaryBaritone() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
Returns the primary IBaritone instance.
getProvider() - Static method in class baritone.api.BaritoneAPI
getRawRest() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
getRegion(int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Returns the region at the specified region coordinates
getRegistry() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParserManager
getRegistry() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
getRegistry() - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematicSystem
getSchematicSystem() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
getSelectedBlock() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
Returns the block that the crosshair is currently placed over.
getSelectionManager() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getSelections() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
getSettings() - Static method in class baritone.api.BaritoneAPI
getShortDesc() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand
getSrc() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Returns the start position of this path.
getSrc() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class
getStateType() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParser.Stated
getString() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Gets the value of the next argument and returns it.
getTag() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint
Returns the tag for this waypoint.
getTag() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
getTarget() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParser
getToBlock(BlockOptionalMeta) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IGetToBlockProcess
getToBlock(Block) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IGetToBlockProcess
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
getType() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult
getValue() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
getValueClass() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
getWaypointNames(IBaritone) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
getWaypoints() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldData
getWaypoints(IBaritone) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
getWaypointsByName(IBaritone, String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
getWaypointsByTag(IBaritone, IWaypoint.Tag) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
getWorld() - Method in class
getWorldProvider() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
getWorldScanner() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritoneProvider
Returns the IWorldScanner instance.
getX() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedRegion
getX() - Method in class
getX() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
getYaw() - Method in class
getYaw() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
getZ() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedRegion
getZ() - Method in class
getZ() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
Goal - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.goals
An abstract Goal for pathing, can be anything from a specific block to just a Y coordinate.
goal - Variable in class baritone.api.process.PathingCommand
The target goal, may be null.
GoalAxis - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
GoalAxis() - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalAxis
GoalBlock - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
A specific BlockPos goal
GoalBlock(BlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
GoalBlock(int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
goalBreakFromAbove - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
As well as breaking from above, set a goal to up and to the side of all blocks to break.
GoalComposite - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
A composite of many goals, any one of which satisfies the composite.
GoalComposite(Goal...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
GoalGetToBlock - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Don't get into the block, but get directly adjacent to it.
GoalGetToBlock(BlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
GoalInverted - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Invert any goal.
GoalInverted(Goal) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
GoalNear - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
GoalNear(BlockPos, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
goalRenderLineWidthPixels - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Line width of the goal when rendered, in pixels
GoalRunAway - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Useful for automated combat (retreating specifically)
GoalRunAway(double, BlockPos...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
GoalRunAway(double, Integer, BlockPos...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
goals() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
GoalStrictDirection - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Dig a tunnel in a certain direction, but if you have to deviate from the path, go back to where you started
GoalStrictDirection(BlockPos, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
GoalTwoBlocks - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Useful if the goal is just to mine a block.
GoalTwoBlocks(BlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
GoalTwoBlocks(int, int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
GoalXZ - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Useful for long-range goals that don't have a specific Y level.
GoalXZ(int, int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
GoalXZ(BetterBlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
GoalYLevel - Class in baritone.api.pathing.goals
Useful for mining (getting to diamond / iron level)
GoalYLevel(int) - Constructor for class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel


handle(ICommand, List<ICommandArgument>) - Method in exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandNotFoundException
handle(ICommand, List<ICommandArgument>) - Method in exception baritone.api.command.exception.CommandUnhandledException
handle(ICommand, List<ICommandArgument>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.exception.ICommandException
Called when this exception is thrown, to handle the exception.
has(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
has(Block) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
has(IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
has(ItemStack) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
hasAny() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hasAtMost(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hasAtMostOne() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hasBrokenBlock() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
hasConsumed() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hasExactly(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hasExactlyOne() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
hashCode() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
hashCode() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
hasPath() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
heightY() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
heightY() - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
Helper - Interface in baritone.api.utils
An ease-of-access interface to provide the Minecraft game instance, chat and console logging mechanisms, and the Baritone chat prefix.
HELPER - Static variable in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Instance of Helper.
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal
Estimate the number of ticks it will take to get to the goal
heuristic(BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal
heuristic() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal
Returns the heuristic at the goal.
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalAxis
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
heuristic() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
heuristic() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
heuristic() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
heuristic() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
heuristic() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
heuristic(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel
hiddenFromHelp() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand


IArgConsumer - Interface in baritone.api.command.argument
The IArgConsumer is how ICommands read the arguments passed to them.
IArgParser<T> - Interface in baritone.api.command.argparser
IArgParser.Stated<T,S> - Interface in baritone.api.command.argparser
A stated argument parser is similar to a stateless one.
IArgParser.Stateless<T> - Interface in baritone.api.command.argparser
A stateless argument parser is just that.
IArgParserManager - Interface in baritone.api.command.argparser
Used to retrieve IArgParser instances from the registry, by their target class.
IBaritone - Interface in baritone.api
IBaritoneChatControl - Interface in baritone.api.command
IBaritoneProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
A process that can control the PathingBehavior.
IBaritoneProvider - Interface in baritone.api
Provides the present IBaritone instances, as well as non-baritone instance related APIs.
IBehavior - Interface in baritone.api.behavior
A behavior is simply a type that is able to listen to events.
IBlockTypeAccess - Interface in baritone.api.cache
IBuilderProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
ICachedRegion - Interface in baritone.api.cache
ICachedWorld - Interface in baritone.api.cache
ICancellable - Interface in
ICommand - Interface in baritone.api.command
The base for a command.
ICommandArgument - Interface in baritone.api.command.argument
A ICommandArgument is an immutable object representing one command argument.
ICommandException - Interface in baritone.api.command.exception
The base for a Baritone Command Exception, checked or unchecked.
ICommandManager - Interface in baritone.api.command.manager
ICommandSystem - Interface in baritone.api.command
ICustomGoalProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
IDatatype - Interface in baritone.api.command.datatypes
An IDatatype is similar to an IArgParser in the sense that it is capable of consuming an argument to transform it into a usable form as the code desires.
IDatatypeContext - Interface in baritone.api.command.datatypes
Provides an IDatatype with contextual information so that it can perform the desired operation on the target level.
IDatatypeFor<T> - Interface in baritone.api.command.datatypes
An IDatatype which acts as a Supplier, in essence.
IDatatypePost<T,O> - Interface in baritone.api.command.datatypes
An IDatatype which acts as a Function, in essence.
IDatatypePostFunction<T,O> - Interface in baritone.api.command.datatypes
IEventBus - Interface in baritone.api.event.listener
A type of IGameEventListener that can have additional listeners registered so that they receive the events that are dispatched to this listener.
IExploreProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
IFarmProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
IFollowProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
IGameEventListener - Interface in baritone.api.event.listener
IGetToBlockProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
but it rescans the world every once in a while so it doesn't get fooled by its cache
IGoalRenderPos - Interface in baritone.api.utils.interfaces
IInputOverrideHandler - Interface in baritone.api.utils
IItemStack - Interface in baritone.api.utils.accessor
ILookBehavior - Interface in baritone.api.behavior
IMineProcess - Interface in baritone.api.process
IMovement - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.movement
incorrectSize - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The set of incorrect blocks can never grow beyond this size
inferSneakingEyePosition(Entity) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RayTraceUtils
Input - Enum in baritone.api.utils.input
An Enum representing the inputs that control the player's behavior.
inSchematic(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematic
inSchematic(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
Does the block at this coordinate matter to the schematic?
inSchematic(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.MaskSchematic
inSchematic(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.SubstituteSchematic
internalMiningAirException - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Modification to the previous setting, only has effect if forceInternalMining is true If true, only apply the previous setting if the block adjacent to the goal isn't air.
IPath - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.calc
IPathExecutor - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.path
IPathFinder - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.calc
Generic path finder interface
IPathingBehavior - Interface in baritone.api.behavior
IPathingControlManager - Interface in baritone.api.pathing.calc
IPlayerContext - Interface in baritone.api.utils
IPlayerController - Interface in baritone.api.utils
is(Class<?>, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
is(Class<?>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
is(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse this argument into the specified class
is(Class<T>, Class<S>, S) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.ICommandArgument
Tries to use a stated IArgParser to parse this argument into the specified class
isActive() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Would this process like to be in control?
isCached(int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedRegion
Returns whether or not the block at the specified X and Z coordinates is cached in this world.
isCached(int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Returns whether or not the block at the specified X and Z coordinates is cached in this world.
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in interface
ISchematic - Interface in baritone.api.schematic
Basic representation of a schematic.
ISchematicFormat - Interface in baritone.api.schematic.format
The base of a ISchematic file format
ISchematicSystem - Interface in baritone.api.schematic
isComplete() - Method in enum baritone.api.pathing.movement.MovementStatus
ISelection - Interface in baritone.api.selection
A selection is an immutable object representing the current selection.
ISelectionManager - Interface in baritone.api.selection
The selection manager handles setting Baritone's selections.
isFileType(File) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.format.ISchematicFormat
isFinished() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathFinder
Intended to be called concurrently with calculatePath from a different thread to tell if it's finished yet
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal
Returns whether or not the specified position meets the requirement for this goal based.
isInGoal(BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalAxis
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
isInGoal(int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel
isInputForcedDown(Input) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IInputOverrideHandler
isLookingAt(BlockPos) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
isPathing() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
isPaused() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
isReallyCloseTo(Rotation) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
Is really close to
IStaticSchematic - Interface in baritone.api.schematic
A static schematic is capable of providing the desired state at a given position without additional context.
isTemporary() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Returns whether or not this process should be treated as "temporary".
itemSaver - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Stop using tools just before they are going to break.
itemSaverThreshold - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Durability to leave on the tool when using itemSaver
iterator() - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Returns an iterator that iterates over each entry in this registry, with the newest elements iterated over first.
IWaypoint - Interface in baritone.api.cache
A marker for a position in the world.
IWaypoint.Tag - Enum in baritone.api.cache
IWaypointCollection - Interface in baritone.api.cache
IWorldData - Interface in baritone.api.cache
IWorldProvider - Interface in baritone.api.cache
IWorldScanner - Interface in baritone.api.cache


javaOnlySetting(Settings.Setting) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
This should always be the same as whether the setting can be parsed from or serialized to a string
JUMP_ONE_BLOCK_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
When you hit space, you get enough upward velocity to go 1.25 blocks Then, you fall the remaining 0.25 to get on the surface, on block higher.
jumpPenalty - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Additional penalty for hitting the space bar (ascend, pillar, or parkour) because it uses hunger


LADDER_DOWN_ONE_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
LADDER_UP_ONE_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
layerHeight - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How high should the individual layers be?
layerOrder - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
false = build from bottom to top
legitMine - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Disallow MineBehavior from using X-Ray to see where the ores are.
legitMineIncludeDiagonals - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Magically see ores that are separated diagonally from existing ores.
legitMineYLevel - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
What Y level to go to for legit strip mining
length() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Returns the number of positions in this path.
lengthZ() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
lengthZ() - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
level - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel
The target Y level
logAsToast - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Shows popup message in the upper right corner, similarly to when you make an advancement
logDebug(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to chat only if chatDebug is on
logDirect(boolean, ITextComponent...) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send components to chat with the [Baritone] prefix
logDirect(ITextComponent...) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send components to chat with the [Baritone] prefix
logDirect(String, TextFormatting, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a direct response to a chat command)
logDirect(String, TextFormatting) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a direct response to a chat command)
logDirect(String, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a direct response to a chat command)
logDirect(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a direct response to a chat command)
logger - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The function that is called when Baritone will log to chat.
logNotification(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message as a desktop notification
logNotification(String, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message as a desktop notification
logNotificationDirect(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message as a desktop notification regardless of desktopNotifications (should only be used for critically important messages)
logNotificationDirect(String, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message as a desktop notification regardless of desktopNotifications (should only be used for critically important messages)
logToast(ITextComponent, ITextComponent) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to display as a toast popup
logToast(String, String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to display as a toast popup
logToast(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Send a message to display as a toast popup
longHash(BetterBlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
longHash(int, int, int) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos


map(Function<String, String>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Apply the specified transform to every element currently in this TabCompleteHelper and return this object for chaining
mapArtMode - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Build in map art mode, which makes baritone only care about the top block in each column
MaskSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
MaskSchematic(ISchematic) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.MaskSchematic
matches(Block) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
matches(IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
matches(ItemStack) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
max() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
maxCachedWorldScanCount - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
After finding this many instances of the target block in the cache, it will stop expanding outward the chunk search.
maxCostIncrease - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If a movement's cost increases by more than this amount between calculation and execution (due to changes in the environment / world), cancel and recalculate
maxFallHeightBucket - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How far are you allowed to fall onto solid ground (with a water bucket)? It's not that reliable, so I've set it below what would kill an unarmored player (23)
maxFallHeightNoWater - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How far are you allowed to fall onto solid ground (without a water bucket)? 3 won't deal any damage.
maxPathHistoryLength - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If we are more than 300 movements into the current path, discard the oldest segments, as they are no longer useful
maybeCensor(int) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
mc - Static variable in interface baritone.api.utils.Helper
Instance of the game
min() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
mine(int, BlockOptionalMetaLookup) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks until the number of specified items to get from the blocks that are mined.
mine(BlockOptionalMetaLookup) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mine(int, BlockOptionalMeta...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mine(BlockOptionalMeta...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mine(int, Block...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mine(Block...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mineByName(int, String...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks until the number of specified items to get from the blocks that are mined.
mineByName(String...) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IMineProcess
Begin to search for and mine the specified blocks.
mineDropLoiterDurationMSThanksLouca - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
While mining, wait this number of milliseconds after mining an ore to see if it will drop an item instead of immediately going onto the next one
mineGoalUpdateInterval - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Rescan for the goal once every 5 ticks.
mineScanDroppedItems - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
While mining, should it also consider dropped items of the correct type as a pathing destination (as well as ore blocks)?
minimumImprovementRepropagation - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Don't repropagate cost improvements below 0.01 ticks.
minYLevelWhileMining - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Sets the minimum y level whilst mining - set to 0 to turn off.
mobAvoidanceCoefficient - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Set to 1.0 to effectively disable this feature
mobAvoidanceRadius - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Distance to avoid mobs.
mobSpawnerAvoidanceCoefficient - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Set to 1.0 to effectively disable this feature
mobSpawnerAvoidanceRadius - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Distance to avoid mob spawners.
modifiedSettings(Settings) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
mostRecentCommand() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathingControlManager
mostRecentInControl() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathingControlManager
movements() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Ordered list of movements to carry out.
MovementStatus - Enum in baritone.api.pathing.movement
movementTimeoutTicks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If a movement takes this many ticks more than its initial cost estimate, cancel it
MyChunkPos - Class in baritone.api.utils
Need a non obfed chunkpos that we can load using GSON
MyChunkPos() - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.MyChunkPos


names - Variable in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
The names for the tag, anything that the tag can be referred to as.
names - Variable in class baritone.api.command.Command
The names of this command.
NearbyPlayer - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
An IDatatype used to resolve nearby players, those within render distance of the target IBaritone instance.
normalize(IBlockState) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
Normalizes the specified blockstate by setting meta-affecting properties which are not being targeted by the meta parameter to their default values.
normalize() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
normalizeAndClamp() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
normalizeYaw(float) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
Normalizes the specified yaw value between -180 and 180.
north() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
north(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
NotificationHelper - Class in baritone.api.utils
This class is not called from the main game thread.
NotificationHelper() - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.NotificationHelper
notificationOnBuildFinished - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notification on build finished
notificationOnExploreFinished - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notification on explore finished
notificationOnFarmFail - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notification on farm fail
notificationOnMineFail - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notification on mine fail
notificationOnPathComplete - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Desktop notification on path complete
notifier - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The function that is called when Baritone will send a desktop notification.
notify(String, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.NotificationHelper


objectMouseOver() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
offset(EnumFacing) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
offset(EnumFacing, int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
okIfAir - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
A list of blocks to become air
okIfWater - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Override builder's behavior to not attempt to correct blocks that are currently water
oldFormula(double) - Static method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
onBlockInteract(BlockInteractEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onBlockInteract(BlockInteractEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Called when the local player interacts with a block, whether it is breaking or opening/placing.
onChunkEvent(ChunkEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onChunkEvent(ChunkEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs before and after whenever a chunk is either loaded, unloaded, or populated.
onLostControl() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Called if IBaritoneProcess.isActive() returned true, but another non-temporary process has control.
onPathEvent(PathEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPathEvent(PathEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
When the pathfinder's state changes
onPlayerDamageBlock(BlockPos, EnumFacing) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
onPlayerDeath() - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPlayerDeath() - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Called when the local player dies, as indicated by the creation of the GuiGameOver screen.
onPlayerRotationMove(RotationMoveEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPlayerRotationMove(RotationMoveEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Run once per game tick from before and after the player's moveRelative method is called and before and after the player jumps.
onPlayerSprintState(SprintStateEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPlayerSprintState(SprintStateEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Called whenever the sprint keybind state is checked in EntityPlayerSP.onLivingUpdate()
onPlayerUpdate(PlayerUpdateEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPlayerUpdate(PlayerUpdateEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Run once per game tick from before and after the player rotation is sent to the server.
onPreTabComplete(TabCompleteEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onPreTabComplete(TabCompleteEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs whenever the client player tries to tab complete in chat.
onReceivePacket(PacketEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onReceivePacket(PacketEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs before an inbound packet is processed
onRenderPass(RenderEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onRenderPass(RenderEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs once per world render pass.
onSendChatMessage(ChatEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onSendChatMessage(ChatEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs whenever the client player sends a message to the server.
onSendPacket(PacketEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onSendPacket(PacketEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs before a outbound packet is sent
onTick(TickEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onTick(TickEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Run once per game tick before screen input is handled.
onTick(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Called when this process is in control of pathing; Returns what Baritone should do.
onWorldEvent(WorldEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.AbstractGameEventListener
onWorldEvent(WorldEvent) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IGameEventListener
Runs before and after whenever a new world is loaded
openClick() - Method in interface baritone.api.IBaritone
Open click
origin - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
ORIGIN - Static variable in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
Overrideable<T> - Class in
Overrideable(T) - Constructor for class
overshootTraverse - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If we overshoot a traverse and end up one block beyond the destination, mark it as successful anyway.


PacketEvent - Class in
PacketEvent(NetworkManager, EventState, Packet<?>) - Constructor for class
page - Variable in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
pageSize - Variable in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, Paginator<T>, Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, List<T>, Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, T[], Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, Paginator<T>, Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, List<T>, Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, T[], Function<T, ITextComponent>, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, Paginator<T>, Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, List<T>, Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, T[], Runnable, Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, Paginator<T>, Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, List<T>, Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
paginate(IArgConsumer, T[], Function<T, ITextComponent>) - Static method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
Paginator<E> - Class in baritone.api.command.helpers
Paginator(List<E>) - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
Paginator(E...) - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
parse(InputStream) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.format.ISchematicFormat
parseAndApply(Settings, String, String) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
parseArg(ICommandArgument, S) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParser.Stated
parseArg(ICommandArgument) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParser.Stateless
parseStated(Class<T>, Class<S>, ICommandArgument, S) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParserManager
Attempt to parse the specified argument with a stated IArgParser that outputs the specified class.
parseStateless(Class<T>, ICommandArgument) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argparser.IArgParserManager
Attempt to parse the specified argument with a stateless IArgParser that outputs the specified class.
partOfMask(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.MaskSchematic
partOfMask(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.ReplaceSchematic
partOfMask(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.ShellSchematic
partOfMask(int, int, int, IBlockState) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.WallsSchematic
path() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.ICustomGoalProcess
Starts path calculation and execution.
PathCalculationResult - Class in baritone.api.utils
PathCalculationResult(PathCalculationResult.Type) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult
PathCalculationResult(PathCalculationResult.Type, IPath) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult
PathCalculationResult.Type - Enum in baritone.api.utils
pathCutoffFactor - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Static cutoff factor.
pathCutoffMinimumLength - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Only apply static cutoff for paths of at least this length (in terms of number of movements)
PathEvent - Enum in
pathHistoryCutoffAmount - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If the current path is too long, cut off this many movements from the beginning.
PathingCommand - Class in baritone.api.process
PathingCommand(Goal, PathingCommandType) - Constructor for class baritone.api.process.PathingCommand
Create a new PathingCommand.
PathingCommandType - Enum in baritone.api.process
pathingMapDefaultSize - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Default size of the Long2ObjectOpenHashMap used in pathing
pathingMapLoadFactor - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Load factor coefficient for the Long2ObjectOpenHashMap used in pathing
pathingMaxChunkBorderFetch - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The maximum number of times it will fetch outside loaded or cached chunks before assuming that pathing has reached the end of the known area, and should therefore stop.
pathRenderLineWidthPixels - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Line width of the path when rendered, in pixels
pathThroughCachedOnly - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Exclusively use cached chunks for pathing
pathToMostRecentNodeConsidered() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathFinder
Called for path rendering.
pause() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
pauseMiningForFallingBlocks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When breaking blocks for a movement, wait until all falling blocks have settled before continuing
peek(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peek() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekAs(Class<T>, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the argument at the specified index into the specified class
peekAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
peekAsOrDefault(Class<T>, T, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the argument at the specified index into the specified class
peekAsOrDefault(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
peekAsOrNull(Class<T>, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the argument at the specified index into the specified class
peekAsOrNull(Class<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Tries to use a stateless IArgParser to parse the next argument into the specified class
peekDatatype(IDatatypeFor<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatype(IDatatypePost<T, O>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatype(IDatatypePost<T, O>, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatypeFor(Class<D>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Attempts to get the specified IDatatypeFor from this ArgConsumer
peekDatatypeForOrDefault(Class<D>, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Attempts to get the specified IDatatypeFor from this ArgConsumer
peekDatatypeForOrNull(Class<D>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Attempts to get the specified IDatatypeFor from this ArgConsumer
peekDatatypeOrNull(IDatatypeFor<T>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatypeOrNull(IDatatypePost<T, O>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatypePost(D, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatypePostOrDefault(D, O, T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekDatatypePostOrNull(D, O) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekEnum(Class<E>, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekEnum(Class<E>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekEnumOrNull(Class<E>, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekEnumOrNull(Class<E>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekString(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
peekString() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
planAheadFailureTimeoutMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Planning ahead while executing a segment can never take longer than this, even if that means failing to find any path at all
planAheadPrimaryTimeoutMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Planning ahead while executing a segment ends after this amount of time, but only if a path has been found
planningTickLookahead - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Start planning the next path once the remaining movements tick estimates sum up to less than this value
player() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
playerController() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
playerFeet() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
playerFeetAsVec() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
playerHead() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
playerRotations() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
PlayerUpdateEvent - Class in
PlayerUpdateEvent(EventState) - Constructor for class
pos1() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
pos2() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
positions() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
All positions along the way.
postProcess() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
This path is actually going to be executed in the world.
preferSilkTouch - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Always prefer silk touch tools over regular tools.
prefix - Variable in class
prefix - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The command prefix for chat control
prefixControl - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Whether or not to allow you to run Baritone commands with the prefix
prepend(Stream<String>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Prepends the specified stream to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
prepend(String...) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Prepends the specified strings to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
prepend(Class<? extends Enum<?>>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Prepends all values of the specified enum to this TabCompleteHelper and returns it for chaining
primaryTimeoutMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Pathing ends after this amount of time, but only if a path has been found
priority() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBaritoneProcess
Used to determine which Process gains control if multiple are reporting IBaritoneProcess.isActive().
processRightClick(EntityPlayerSP, World, EnumHand) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
processRightClickBlock(EntityPlayerSP, World, BlockPos, EnumFacing, Vec3d, EnumHand) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
pruneRegionsFromRAM - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
On save, delete from RAM any cached regions that are more than 1024 blocks away from the player
put(ISchematic, int, int, int) - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematic


queueForPacking(Chunk) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Queues the specified chunk for packing.


RAD_TO_DEG - Static variable in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Constant that a radian value is multiplied by to get the equivalent degree value
randomLooking - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How many degrees to randomize the pitch and yaw every tick.
rawRest() - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
Returns the "raw rest" of the string.
rayTraceTowards(Entity, Rotation, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RayTraceUtils
Performs a block raytrace with the specified rotations.
rayTraceTowards(Entity, Rotation, double, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RayTraceUtils
RayTraceUtils - Class in baritone.api.utils
reachable(IPlayerContext, BlockPos) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
reachable(IPlayerContext, BlockPos, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
reachable(EntityPlayerSP, BlockPos, double) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Determines if the specified entity is able to reach the center of any of the sides of the specified block.
reachable(EntityPlayerSP, BlockPos, double, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
reachableCenter(Entity, BlockPos, double, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Determines if the specified entity is able to reach the specified block where it is looking at the direct center of it's hitbox.
reachableOffset(Entity, BlockPos, Vec3d, double, boolean) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Determines if the specified entity is able to reach the specified block with the given offsetted position.
readAndApply(Settings) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
register(V) - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Ensures that the entry entry is registered.
registered(V) - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
registerEventListener(IGameEventListener) - Method in interface baritone.api.event.listener.IEventBus
Registers the specified IGameEventListener to this event bus
registerProcess(IBaritoneProcess) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPathingControlManager
Registers a process with this pathing control manager.
Registry<V> - Class in baritone.api.command.registry
This registry class allows for registration and unregistration of a certain type.
Registry() - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
RelativeBlockPos - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeCoordinate - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeFile - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeGoal - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeGoalBlock - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeGoalXZ - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
RelativeGoalYLevel - Enum in baritone.api.command.datatypes
reloadAllFromDisk() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Reloads all of the cached regions in this world from disk.
removeAllSelections() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Removes all selections.
removeSelection(ISelection) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Removes the selection from the current selections.
removeWaypoint(IWaypoint) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWaypointCollection
Removes a waypoint from this collection
renderCachedChunks - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
😎 Render cached chunks as semitransparent.
RenderEvent - Class in
RenderEvent(float) - Constructor for class
renderGoal - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render the goal
renderGoalAnimated - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render the goal as a sick animated thingy instead of just a box (also controls animation of GoalXZ if Settings.renderGoalXZBeacon is enabled)
renderGoalIgnoreDepth - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Ignore depth when rendering the goal
renderGoalXZBeacon - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Renders X/Z type Goals with the vanilla beacon beam effect.
renderPath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render the path
renderPathAsLine - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render the path as a line instead of a frickin thingy
renderPathIgnoreDepth - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Ignore depth when rendering the path
renderSelection - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render selections
renderSelectionBoxes - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render selection boxes
renderSelectionBoxesIgnoreDepth - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Ignore depth when rendering the selection boxes (to break, to place, to walk into)
renderSelectionCorners - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Render selection corners
renderSelectionIgnoreDepth - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Ignore depth when rendering selections
repack(IPlayerContext) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
Overload of IWorldScanner.repack(IPlayerContext, int) where the value of the range parameter is 40.
repack(IPlayerContext, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
Queues the chunks in a square formation around the specified player, using the specified range, which represents 1/2 the square's dimensions, where the player is in the center.
repackOnAnyBlockChange - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Whenever a block changes, repack the whole chunk that it's in
ReplaceSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
ReplaceSchematic(ISchematic, BlockOptionalMetaLookup) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.ReplaceSchematic
replantCrops - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Replant normal Crops while farming and leave cactus and sugarcane to regrow
replantNetherWart - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Replant nether wart while farming.
requireExactly(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
requireMax(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
requireMin(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
reset() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
Resets the current state status to MovementStatus.PREPPING
reset() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematic
reset() - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
Resets possible caches to avoid wrong behavior when moving the schematic around
reset() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.ReplaceSchematic
reset() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
Reset this setting to its default value
resetBlockCache() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
Resets the cache for special break, place, and walk into blocks
resetBlockRemoving() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
resolveBaseClass(Type) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.TypeUtils
Resolves the "base type" for the specified type.
resume() - Method in interface baritone.api.process.IBuilderProcess
rightClickContainerOnArrival - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When running a goto towards a container block (chest, ender chest, furnace, etc), right click and open it once you arrive.
rightClickSpeed - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
How many ticks between right clicks are allowed.
Rotation - Class in baritone.api.utils
Rotation(float, float) - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
RotationMoveEvent - Class in
RotationMoveEvent(RotationMoveEvent.Type, float) - Constructor for class
RotationMoveEvent.Type - Enum in
RotationUtils - Class in baritone.api.utils


safeToCancel() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
sanityCheck() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Performs a series of checks to ensure that the assembly of the path went as expected.
save() - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.ICachedWorld
Saves all of the cached regions in this world to disk.
save(Settings) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
scanChunk(IPlayerContext, BlockOptionalMetaLookup, ChunkPos, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
Scans a single chunk for the specified blocks.
scanChunk(IPlayerContext, List<Block>, ChunkPos, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
Scans a single chunk for the specified blocks.
scanChunkRadius(IPlayerContext, BlockOptionalMetaLookup, int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
Scans the world, up to the specified max chunk radius, for the specified blocks.
scanChunkRadius(IPlayerContext, List<Block>, int, int, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.cache.IWorldScanner
schematic - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematicEntry
schematicFallbackExtension - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The fallback used by the build command when no extension is specified.
schematicOrientationX - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When this setting is true, build a schematic with the highest X coordinate being the origin, instead of the lowest
schematicOrientationY - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When this setting is true, build a schematic with the highest Y coordinate being the origin, instead of the lowest
schematicOrientationZ - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When this setting is true, build a schematic with the highest Z coordinate being the origin, instead of the lowest
selectionLineWidth - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Line width of the goal when rendered, in pixels
selectionOpacity - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The opacity of the selection.
set(T) - Method in class
setDisplayedText(ITextComponent, ITextComponent) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.gui.BaritoneToast
setGoal(Goal) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.ICustomGoalProcess
Sets the pathing goal
setGoalAndPath(Goal) - Method in interface baritone.api.process.ICustomGoalProcess
Sets the goal and begins the path execution.
setHittingBlock(boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
setInputForceState(Input, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IInputOverrideHandler
setPageSize(int) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
setState(boolean) - Method in class
settingDefaultToString(Settings.Setting) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
Settings - Class in baritone.api
Baritone's settings.
Settings.Setting<T> - Class in baritone.api
SettingsUtil - Class in baritone.api.utils
SettingsUtil() - Constructor for class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
settingToString(Settings.Setting) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
settingTypes - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
settingTypeToString(Settings.Setting) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
Gets the type of a setting and returns it as a string, with package names stripped.
settingValueToString(Settings.Setting<T>, T) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
settingValueToString(Settings.Setting) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.SettingsUtil
setYaw(float) - Method in class
Set the yaw movement rotation
ShellSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
ShellSchematic(ISchematic) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.ShellSchematic
shift(EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
Returns a new ISelection shifted in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
shift(ISelection, EnumFacing, int) - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelectionManager
Replaces the specified ISelection with one shifted in the specified direction by the specified number of blocks.
shortBaritonePrefix - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Use a short Baritone prefix [B] instead of [Baritone] when logging to chat
simplifyUnloadedYCoord - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If your goal is a GoalBlock in an unloaded chunk, assume it's far enough away that the Y coord doesn't matter yet, and replace it with a GoalXZ to the same place before calculating a path.
size(EnumFacing.Axis) - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
size() - Method in interface baritone.api.selection.ISelection
skipFailedLayers - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
If a layer is unable to be constructed, just skip it.
skipPages(int) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
slowPath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
For debugging, consider nodes much much slower
slowPathTimeDelayMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Milliseconds between each node
slowPathTimeoutMS - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The alternative timeout number when slowPath is on
SNEAK_ONE_BLOCK_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
sort(Comparator<String>) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Apply the specified sort to every element currently in this TabCompleteHelper and return this object for chaining
sortAlphabetically() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
Sort every element currently in this TabCompleteHelper alphabetically and return this object for chaining
south() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
south(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
splicePath - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
When a new segment is calculated that doesn't overlap with the current one, but simply begins where the current segment ends, splice it on and make a longer combined path.
SPRINT_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
SPRINT_ONE_BLOCK_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
sprintAscends - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Sprint and jump a block early on ascends wherever possible
sprintInWater - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Continue sprinting while in water
SprintStateEvent - Class in
SprintStateEvent() - Constructor for class
startAtLayer - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Start building the schematic at a specific layer.
stateMeta(IBlockState) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
Evaluate the target meta value for the specified state.
staticCutoff(Goal) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Cuts off this path using the min length and cutoff factor settings, and returns the resulting path.
stream() - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
stream() - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Returns a stream that contains each entry in this registry, with the newest elements ordered first.
stringToBlockNullable(String) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockUtils
stringToBlockRequired(String) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockUtils
SubstituteSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
SubstituteSchematic(ISchematic, Map<Block, List<Block>>) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.SubstituteSchematic
subtract(Rotation) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
Subtracts the yaw/pitch of the specified rotations from this rotation's yaw/pitch, and returns the result.
syncHeldItem() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController


tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.BlockById
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.EntityClassById
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.datatypes.IDatatype
Attempts to complete missing or partial input provided through the IArgConsumer} provided by IDatatypeContext.getConsumer() in order to aide the user in executing commands.
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.NearbyPlayer
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeCoordinate
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
tabComplete(IArgConsumer, File) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoal
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalBlock
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalXZ
tabComplete(IDatatypeContext) - Method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalYLevel
tabComplete(String, IArgConsumer) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.ICommand
Called when the command needs to tab complete.
tabComplete(Tuple<String, List<ICommandArgument>>) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
tabComplete(String) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.manager.ICommandManager
tabCompleteDatatype(T) - Method in interface baritone.api.command.argument.IArgConsumer
TabCompleteEvent - Class in
TabCompleteEvent(String) - Constructor for class
TabCompleteHelper - Class in baritone.api.command.helpers
The TabCompleteHelper is a single-use object that helps you handle tab completion.
TabCompleteHelper(String[]) - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
TabCompleteHelper(List<String>) - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
TabCompleteHelper() - Constructor for class baritone.api.command.helpers.TabCompleteHelper
TickEvent - Class in
TickEvent(EventState, TickEvent.Type, int) - Constructor for class
TickEvent.Type - Enum in
ticksRemainingFrom(int) - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.calc.IPath
Returns the estimated number of ticks to complete the path from the given node index.
ticksRemainingInSegment() - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Returns the estimated remaining ticks in the current pathing segment.
ticksRemainingInSegment(boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.IPathingBehavior
Returns the estimated remaining ticks in the current pathing segment.
toaster - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The function that is called when Baritone will show a toast.
toastTimer - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The time of how long the message in the pop-up will display
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalAxis
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalInverted
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalNear
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalRunAway
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalXZ
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalYLevel
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.process.PathingCommand
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.MyChunkPos
toString() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
TypeUtils - Class in baritone.api.utils


unregister(V) - Method in class baritone.api.command.registry.Registry
Unregisters this entry from this registry.
up() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
up(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
update() - Method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.IMovement
updateTarget(Rotation, boolean) - Method in interface baritone.api.behavior.ILookBehavior
Updates the current ILookBehavior target to target the specified rotations on the next tick.
useSwordToMine - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Use sword to mine.


validPage(int) - Method in class baritone.api.command.helpers.Paginator
value - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings.Setting
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.BlockById
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.EntityClassById
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.NearbyPlayer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeCoordinate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalBlock
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalXZ
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalYLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.pathing.movement.MovementStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.process.PathingCommandType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.utils.input.Input
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.cache.IWaypoint.Tag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.BlockById
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.EntityClassById
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.NearbyPlayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeCoordinate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeFile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalBlock
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalXZ
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeGoalYLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.pathing.movement.MovementStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.process.PathingCommandType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.utils.input.Input
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum baritone.api.utils.PathCalculationResult.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VecUtils - Class in baritone.api.utils
velocity(int) - Static method in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts


WALK_OFF_BLOCK_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
To walk off an edge you need to walk 0.5 to the edge then 0.3 to start falling off
WALK_ONE_BLOCK_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
These costs are measured roughly in ticks btw
WALK_ONE_IN_WATER_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
WALK_ONE_OVER_SOUL_SAND_COST - Static variable in interface baritone.api.pathing.movement.ActionCosts
walkOnWaterOnePenalty - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Walking on water uses up hunger really quick, so penalize it
walkWhileBreaking - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
Don't stop walking forward when you need to break blocks in your way
WallsSchematic - Class in baritone.api.schematic
WallsSchematic(ISchematic) - Constructor for class baritone.api.schematic.WallsSchematic
wasModified() - Method in class
Waypoint - Class in baritone.api.cache
Basic implementation of IWaypoint
Waypoint(String, IWaypoint.Tag, BetterBlockPos) - Constructor for class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
Waypoint(String, IWaypoint.Tag, BetterBlockPos, long) - Constructor for class baritone.api.cache.Waypoint
Constructor called when a Waypoint is read from disk, adds the creationTimestamp as a parameter so that it is reserved after a waypoint is wrote to the disk.
waypoints(IBaritone) - Static method in enum baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForWaypoints
west() - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
west(int) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
widthX() - Method in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
widthX() - Method in interface baritone.api.schematic.ISchematic
windowClick(int, int, int, ClickType, EntityPlayer) - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerController
world() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
worldData() - Method in interface baritone.api.utils.IPlayerContext
WorldEvent - Class in
WorldEvent(WorldClient, EventState) - Constructor for class
worldExploringChunkOffset - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
While exploring the world, offset the closest unloaded chunk by this much in both axes.
wrapAnglesToRelative(Rotation, Rotation) - Static method in class baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils
Wraps the target angles to a relative value from the current angles.


x - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
The X block position of this goal
x - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
x - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
x - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
The X block position of this goal
x - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
x - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematicEntry
x - Variable in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
x - Variable in class baritone.api.utils.MyChunkPos


y - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
The Y block position of this goal
y - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
y - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
y - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
The Y block position of this goal
y - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
y - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematicEntry
y - Variable in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
yawIsReallyClose(Rotation) - Method in class baritone.api.utils.Rotation
yLevelBoxSize - Variable in class baritone.api.Settings
The size of the box that is rendered when the current goal is a GoalYLevel


z - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock
The Z block position of this goal
z - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalGetToBlock
z - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalStrictDirection
z - Variable in class baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalTwoBlocks
The Z block position of this goal
z - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.AbstractSchematic
z - Variable in class baritone.api.schematic.CompositeSchematicEntry
z - Variable in class baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos
z - Variable in class baritone.api.utils.MyChunkPos
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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